Steve Cerve, Founder of No Wall Too Tall is a Speaker, Adventurer, and Accidental Advocate for the Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled.

“Those of us who have seen children live in the shadows know that a country as rich as ours cannot possibly justify this neglect." President John F. Kennedy (1961).

Steve speaks to employers, community organizations, schools, parents, and caregivers about the importance of taking calculated risks to overcome preconceived notions about what individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) can't do, and the need to shelter and overprotect them; to help bring them out of the "shadows" and on the road towards independence so they can succeed in life to the best of their abilities.

Read the entire report "Still in the Shadows with Their Future Uncertain" published by The Arc, the largest community based organization for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The report is based on the Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) 2011 Survey.  

JFK's commitment inspired a nation to action, fueling the growing movement of parent and family-led advocacy on behalf of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Much has improved for those with I/DD since 1961 ... but there's still so much more work to be done.

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Steve currently serves as DisAbilities Awareness Chairman for:

Northrop Grumman: VOICE (Victory Over Impairment Challenge Enterprise)

Knights of Columbus: Council 8022 Special Olympics

From pilot, skydiver, mountain climber, SCUBA diver, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Search & Rescue specialist, and Boy Scouts of America high adventure leader; to accidental advocate for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Steve's life as an adventurer, along with his career in the corporate world, taught him the importance of leadership, teamwork, perseverance, and taking calculated risks in overcoming obstacles in achieving goals.  

Steve now channels those same qualities into raising awareness for employers, community organizations, schools, parents, and caregivers that no wall, no matter how tall, should stand in the way of the intellectually and developmentally disabled from being accepted and included in our places of work, our communities, and our hearts.

If your organization is looking for a dynamic, entertaining, and inspiring speaker to challenge your thinking on what individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities CAN do, then contact Steve.  It's an adventure you don't want to miss.

Steve Cerve:

Keynote Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Event Master of Ceremonies, Presentation Skills Training, Annual Rock Climbing Retreats.


Climbing for Success

Develop skills in overcoming life's obstacles by attending a weekend rock climbing retreat for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

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Presentation Skills

Learn the techniques highly skilled presenters use to take their presentations from ordinary to extraordinary new heights.  This training is open to all - those with and without disabilities.

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Educational Workshops

Highly interactive workshops designed to use innovative thinking to create and develop solutions to real world problems for the intellectually and developmentally disabled.

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